Water Purification

Clean Water Testing results

· AquaChar

The Clean River Foundation (CRF) results demonstrate that our system has successfully removed 100% of E. coli and coliform bacteria from the water sample taken from the river at Woodlawn Park, Des Plaines, IL. Additionally, the AquaRobot has shown exceptional performance in aggressively removing lead and glyphosate from the test runs.

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Our system has also demonstrated effectiveness in reducing arsenic levels, a known cause of skin cancer, as well as phosphate concentrations. These results correctly correlate with our existing assumptions about the filtering medium's capability to aggressively remove heavy metals, phosphates, arsenic, and agricultural runoff.

  • 100% removal of E. Coli and cloriform
  • Lead removed from 136,000 ug/L reduced in 45 minutes to 3,170 ug/L (97.67% efficiency)
  • A notable removal of Arsenic
  • Phosphate removal to a level that would eliminate Algee blooms
  • Removal of Chlorides, Nitrates and Flouride
  • Agricultura Runoff with high efficiency in reducing glyphosate
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