We attended a fun and interesting meeting of Miami Waterkeeper in Coral Gables Saturday morning. In addition to an informative presentation, we met many wonderful people who were passionate about cleaning up our water, waterways and aquifers. Everyone joined a walking tour and discussion of some of the stormwater capturing innovations Coral Gables has built at the old Restaurant Row. The area has been transformed into a downtown walking area with shopping, restaruants and nightlife. Coral Gables has also followed up that project with partial water capturing systems along the Miracle Mile as well for better water and life quality.
During the tour, we immediately thought about how we could make this wonderful system even better with our AquaChar filtration media. Our solution could be augmented fairly simply to any storm drain using our AquaChar in catch basens. Below is a customizable letter to anyone could bring to their city for storm drain improvement. Download it and sprearhead a solution and see if that can fit into your town's stormwater capture improvements.