Do you have a pond, a pool, wetlands, or are lucky enough to live on the water. Life Lattice, also sold as AcquChar, is long known for its ability to clean and vitalize acquariums. We can clean water in many situations from big to small. Here's a simple idea for off-the-shelf components and Life Lattice and clean-up your water.
Chris one of our partners found it hard to believe and said I have a pond at home. Can you clean it up? In just a few days, it went from pond scum to drinking water. Chris says yummy, tastes fine. Now it's a pond that you can keep fish, + or just enjoy a fountain w/ LED lighting.
Before filtering w/ Life Lattice

The water pump replacing filter w/ Life Lattice

It's that simple, time to do-it-yourself.
What you need: (we earn from you buying w/ this link, thanks for your support!)
- MARINE COLOR 4/5-Stage External Canister Filter 370/525 GPH Flow Rate Fresh Salt Water (2 Stager 265GPH) Come with Filter Media
- 4x - 1lb mesh bags of Life Lattice (in Store on this website)
DIY steps to create a living pond:
- Replace the carbon filter bags that come with the unit with Life Lattice
- Plug it in.
- Wait and you will notice changes in days
Other possible Amazon Products that could be augmented w/ Life Lattice:
- MARINE COLOR 4/5-Stage External Canister Filter 370/525 GPH Flow Rate Fresh Salt Water (2 Stager 265GPH) Come with Filter Media
- Aquarium Canister Filter Fish Tank UV Filter Aquarium Green Water Cleaning Machine Ultra Quiet External Turtle Tank Filter with UV Light for Crystal Clear Water Up to 150 Gallon (390GPH)
Ponds + are one idea and we are going to push out other open/free ideas that our community can use and share. Come up with a product and we'll put it in our shop and revenue share.
Comparison of activated charcol (left) to Life Lattice after 3 months.