DIY: Clean-up that Air!

Filter the air in your home duct work

· DIY,AeroChar

We all want to breathe clean air, Life Lattice can help. User our filtration with off-the-shelf air duct ionizer equipment mounted in your HVAC duct work (power required). With Life Lattice and you can breathe easy.

Here’s how you can integrate Life Lattice in your air ducts:

- Ensure your metal ionizer, such as the "iWave-R" or "Duct Ion Generator", is properly installed in your AC duct.

- These devices will ionize contaminants making them easier to capture our Life Lattice material.

- Obtrain Life Lattice from our Store in the airflow and place Life Lattice in a suitable container or filter housing within the duct system. Life Lattice is a type of enhanced graphene that can trap a wide range of contaminants, including VOCs, odors, and other pollutants.

Combine Forces:

As the ionized particles pass through the Life Lattice, they will be effectively trapped and neutralized. This combination enhances the overall air purification process, providing cleaner and healthier indoor air.


Regularly check and replace the Life Lattice and ionizer components as needed to maintain optimal performance. Life Lattice can last for several months before needing replacement1.

This setup can significantly improve indoor air quality by reducing pollutants, allergens, and other harmful particles. It's that simple, time to do-it-yourself.

  1. Air Duct Plasma Ionizer
  2. 1lb mesh bag(s) of Life Lattice (in Store on this website)

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