AeroChar and AquaChar

· Education,AeroChar,AquaChar

Life Lattice provides long-term water quality improvement in two key ways.

Side-by-Side Comparison

GAC (Granulated Activated Charcoal) on the LS (Left-side)

AND Life Lattice granules on the RS (Right-side)

broken image

Adsorption is the ability to pull & hold impurities & contaminants to a surface to provide crystal clear water.

Negatively charged Life Lattice magnetically pulls positively charged dissolved organics from water.

The diffusion and partitioning of contaminants into the porous structure of Life Lattice simultaneously occur, along with the influences of hydrophobic interaction, aromatic-π interaction, cation-π interaction, electrostatic interaction, and hydrogen bonding.

The enhanced porosity and negative charge pancakes organics into

Life Lattice.

By functionalizing layers of hydroxides, structured carbon acts as a slow release mechanism that allows

Life Lattice to provide long-term interaction with water.

Three-dimensional structured carbon bonds makes

Life Lattice resistant to biodegradation and allows for regeneration.

Contaminates are stored inside the sub-micron porosity of Life Lattice where it is molecularly degraded over time.

Biologically Active Micro-Sites (B.A.M.S.)

Biologically active microsites (B.A.M.S.) is a temporary or persistent site which provides optimal conditions for microorganisms to efficiently consume organic waste.

A healthy ecosystem is a complex web of microorganisms working efficiently.

B.A.M.S. can be temporary like uneaten food or persistent on surfaces that provided consistent food & protection. A healthy environment cannot survive on one type of microorganism alone.

Life Lattice

provides a long-term electrostatic surface which magnetically pulls in soft, positively charged organics that bacteria like to eat.

The oxidation-reduction zone created on the electrostatic surface of

Life Lattice is designed to boost biological stability while speeding up the organic breakdown process.

  1. Activated carbon – the rapid reaction quickly clogs carbon pores with large organics while briefly turning into a biological medium. Once the organic food source is depleted, bacteria begin consuming left over residues inside the carbon – releasing toxic resins. Long-term use: turns septic before being removed, leading to a constant state of biological imbalance.
  2. Life Lattice – the chunk size allows large organics to flow through while pulling in the fine organics that cause cloudiness. This allows carbon to be a food delivery service for microorganisms creating biological microsites of nitrifying and decomposing bacteria working together.

The larger, natural size of

Life Lattice prevents biofouling as it does not clog.

The soft organics microorganisms like to eat are broken down while flow pushes larger organics back into the system to avoid septic imbalance.

Life Lattice

takes the biological bloom activity which causes persistent cloudiness in the water column and moves it to B.A.M.S. created by Life Lattice.

Other Benefits

  • Nutrient Control
  • PH Stability
  • Reduce Algee
  • Contamiant Protection

The only carbon manufacturer with a core product which is engineered specifically for biological ecosystems in the pond & aquarium industry.